

Below please find a set of principles I seek to uphold in this endeavor. 

Everyone Can Heal! - Healing is for everyone! Every single person on this earth! Healing is done upon our own will and initiative. We are all capable and responsible for our own health. Regardless of where we are from, we all have resources to draw from that can assist in our healing process. No ones resources, background or experiences are more or less valuable than anyone else’s. The only barrier to true healing is you and the only person that can be responsible for the achievement of radiant health is YOU. You have every reason to embrace your own radiant, glowing self and all the things that manifest from it. Detoxification as a method of healing is not something esoteric or exclusive to those with the right connections, training and/or financial means. I will dedicate a portion of my work towards inclusivity, outreach and support of individuals and communities with limited resources. 

God Consciousness - As a spiritual person, I recognize the existence of an all-powerful creator. God/Higher Power/Divine Force created us and created nature and the laws that govern it. By following the laws of our creator, we honor the purity and genius of our creation, ourselves and the universe within which we reside. 

Raw, Vegan, Fruitarian, Detoxification - I follow a raw, vegan, fruit-centered lifestyle and believe wholeheartedly that this, along with detoxification is the path to health and freedom. There are many dietary and lifestyle choices promoted as healthy. From my own experiences, I can only advocate a raw, vegan, primarily fruit and vegetable-based way of life as something healthful and life-promoting. At the same time, I am not a judgmental or imposing raw fruit-based vegan. I understand and respect the ways in which culture, economy, history, family, finance, geography and many other factors impact human dietary perspectives. Though I do not believe that health can be attained through the consumption of meats, animal products, grains, beans, or artificialities, I respect everyone‘s freedom in their dietary and lifestyle decisions. 

Liberation from Drugs and Alcohol - This is a drug, alcohol and addictive substance-free space. I do not post about the benefits of red wine, caffeine, cacao, cannabis, ayahuasca, peyote, iboga, CBD oil or any other stimulant, depressant, hallucinogenic or other mind-bending substance. I will not probe the cultural worth of any of these drugs. There are plenty of sites and resources dedicated to the ritual use and cultural impact of addictive substances as well as their purported health benefits, which can be sought out. I consider processed foods, meats, dairy products, cooked foods, refined fats and refined sugars to be addictive substances as well and therefore, treat them as any other drug from which I recommend abstaining. 

Freedom from Corporate Influence - Purity and Verve, LLC is a liberated space that is guided by the principles of regenerative detoxification and the body’s ability to heal itself. Detoxification is not a gimmick or a product. It is a process requiring only nature and that our hearts be invested in bettering ourselves. Consequently, promotional posts, ads, corporate influence and endorsements will not be included. If I mention or link to an individual, group, product or brand, it is of my own accord and opinion.


What is Detoxification?


Welcome to Purity and Verve!