Happy 2022!

by Cy


It is my hope that 2022 has started off for you on a high note and that you attain your goals, dreams and bliss this year! I spent some time, as has become tradition in my family, traveling across the solstice through the end of the solar year. It’s interesting to experience myriad climates and energies around this time of year, understanding what winter (or summer) means in different parts of the world. I took some time to reflect and lay out my aspirations and plans for the year and I have some exciting content forthcoming. God-willing, this will also be the year I become a certified Detoxification Specialist. This pursuit is incredibly meaningful to me and gathers my experiences into the way in which I wish to serve. I’ll keep you updated on my progress. :) 

I anticipate some challenges this year as well and am channeling fortitude, time to reflect and space to feel what I may and be gentle with myself. One of my goals I would like to share is that I’ve committed to sharpening my focus. Politics, news, policies, social media, the metaverse, various forms of home entertainment, misinformation and negative energies are all potent distractions. My resolution is a commitment to greater focus on what I value and what I seek to accomplish. What are some of your resolutions? I thank you for your continued support of Purity & Verve and look forward to growing, sharing and learning more with you this year. ✨💚☀️


My Minimalist Skin Care Routine


In the Spirit of Gratitude: Thankfulness and Holiday Gift Giving