My 40 Day Juice Cleanse and Custom Detoxification Protocol

by Cy

Orange juice fresh squeezed raw vegan detoxification juice cleanse

As an almost-certified Detoxification Specialist (Level 1, expected Fall 2022), I decided to try my hand at developing my own detoxification protocol. I’ve been studying Dr. Morse’s methods, understanding how he selects and combines herbal formulas while cultivating my own approach.

Detoxification Basics

The word “detoxification” is thrown around quite a bit these days. While there are various applications of this term, here it refers specifically to the process of supporting the body as it rids itself of harmful substances. By following the laws of nature, we enable the body to engage in this natural phenomenon. Detoxification is accomplished through diet, herbs, and supportive healing modalities, in that order of importance.


A great way to begin a detoxification regimen is to assess your current state of health. Iridology is an ancient holistic science that provides a non-invasive soft tissue analysis of the iris to determine areas of strength and weakness throughout the system.

I had an iris analysis completed and gained great insight into my strengths and areas I need to work on. Overall, I have a strong constitution along with some areas of significant weakness, notably the thyroid and adrenals.


My intentions for this focused detoxification crossed physical, mental/emotional and spiritual bodies. In the physical realm, I set out to strengthen my kidneys, digestive system, and to support the lymphatic system in it’s removal of waste. Another emphasis was placed on thyroid and adrenal health. Mentally/emotionally, I sought to strengthen my mindset and stabilize my emotions. Weakened endocrine glands can do a number on emotional health while strengthening these glands lends to calm and stability. Spiritually, I sought the connectedness with the Creator often experienced when releasing waste and taking in high vibrational foods.

Fruit detoxification pitaya pineapple fruit bowl

Diet, Herbs, and Supportive Modalities


The foods we consume are the primary consideration in any detoxification protocol. For a diet to detoxify, it must include a high percentage of fruit. The most basic detoxification diet is:

Breakfast: Fruit

Lunch: Fruit

Dinner: Fruit or a salad made with lettuce and other veggies, topped with a squeeze of lemon.

All foods should be raw. Oils, fats, beans, grains, nuts and seeds do not facilitate detoxification. Meat, dairy, processed foods and chemicals (including caffeine, prescription drugs, etc.) are highly acidic substances that work against the detoxification process.

Dr. Morse’s Levels of Detoxification chart shows the full range of dietary options alongside how each choice supports the detoxification process. For deeper level cleansing you can move up the pyramid into mono fruits (eating one fruit at a time), juicing, water fasting and dry fasting. Abstaining from food completely should only be done for short periods and under the supervision of an experienced detoxification specialist.

I supported my cleanse using strictly fruit juice and water for 40 days. Fruit in all forms provides nutrition, energy and hydration along with being the most detoxifying food available. It is the perfect food for the human body. Removing the fiber by juicing fruit allows for ease in digestion. The body expends less effort breaking down solids, and additional energies are freed for healing.

herbs detox detoxification medicine hierba


Herbs help strengthen the various organs and systems of the body, while  facilitating the release of obstructions and acids, truly taking detoxification to the next level. What follows is a breakdown of the herbs I chose to support my detoxification process. You can find all of Dr. Morse’s herbs here. I’ll detail why I selected each of the formulas below.

Lung Detox Tincture, 2 droppers full 3x/day for 4 weeks

Liver/Skin Tincture, 2 droppers full 3x/day for 4 weeks

Endocrine Gland, 2 caps 3x/day for 4 weeks

Kidney and Bladder l, 2 caps 3x/day for the first 2 weeks

Kidney and Bladder II Tincture, 2 droppers full 3x/day for the first 2 weeks

Kidney and Bladder III Tincture, 2 droppers full 3x/day for the second 2 weeks

Kidney and Bladder IV, 2 droppers full 3x/day for the second 2 weeks

GI Renew # 3 (Moderate), 2 caps 3x/day for the first 2 weeks

GI Renew # 4 (Strong) 2 caps 3x/day for the second 2 weeks

Lymphatic Formula (Mild), 2 caps 3x/day for the first 2 weeks

Lymphatic Formula (Moderate), 2 caps 3x/day for the second two weeks

Thyroid Support Tincture, 2 droppers full 3x/day for 4 weeks


Rest is essential. It provides the foundation for detoxification to take place. Rest is alkaline and restorative, allowing our bodies the space and energy to heal. I’m a restless soul and I don’t always value rest the way I should. As part of my detoxification, I made a plan to allow myself needed rest.


I committed to being active throughout my cleanse with the flexibility to adapt to different needs and activity levels. I laid off of workouts involving heavier weights and focused on strengthening, stretching and cardiovascular support. This could mean anything from walking, skating or cycling to barre, yoga or Pilates.

Supportive Modalities

Beyond diet, herbs and movement, I practiced skin brushing, tongue scraping, steam showers, Heal All Tea and lemon enemas, body rolling, and ear candling. These were all a tremendous support.

herbal medicine herbs tincture nature

Herbal Formulations

Lung Detox

An area I’m working on is my respiratory system. I experienced several acute episodes of  bronchitis as a child along with general weakness in this area. Air filters in our home are a must and I could never dream of touching anything smoke-related (ever again). Since the respiratory system is near the thyroid gland, I am hopeful the lung detox can help me progress in the removal of upper body obstructions, generally, enabling better functioning of everything in the head, neck, throat and chest areas.


The liver is the body’s chemical processor and a key organ that needs periodic strengthening to ensure proper functioning. The way my skin removes toxins is compromised at times by the weakness of my thyroid gland. I combined the Liver/Skin formula with exercise and time in the steam room to promote sweating in order to assist the integumentary and lymphatic systems in the detoxification process. The summer weather helped with this, raising the temperature enough to allow the skin to open up and release.


Since my primary issue relates to various endocrine glands and their interconnected functions, I included the endocrine formula, which is another part of the standard protocol (aka “Fab Four”).

Kidneys & Bladder

Working with the kidneys is an essential part of any effective detox. The critical importance of healthy kidney function and the elimination of acidic waste via the urine is not understood by the allopathic medical field. When you partner with me or another Detoxification Specialist, we will teach you this concept and show you how to achieve optimal kidney health. During the first two weeks I used Kidney & Bladder I capsules and the K & B II tincture. During weeks 3 and 4, I switched to K & B III and IV tinctures.

GI Renew

A detoxification must address the GI tract, so I included GI Renew in my protocol. I learned through my Detoxification Specialist, who I worked with for the first 18 weeks of my detoxification that you can shift up a level from the GI Renew guidelines. For example, my bowel function, according to Dr. Morse, would benefit from GI Renew 1 or 2, or perhaps midway between. My bowels are generally regular but I have occasional inconsistencies. At times, I can push it up to GI Renew #3 without overworking the bowel. I have had no issues whatsoever with this formula causing excess bowel activity, largely due to the quality of the formula, the absence of stimulants and the inclusion of gentle, tonic herbs.

Thyroid Support

In addition to using the endocrine formula, I added the Thyroid tincture specifically to fortify and heal the thyroid gland, facilitating maximum support for this important gland.

GI Broom

Unfortunately, GI Broom capsules were out of stock when I was ordering herbs. Although available, the GI Broom powder is difficult for me. I know Dr. Morse says you’ll eventually love the taste of his herbs. I can attest that this is true in my experience for every formula except GI Broom. 😖 It’s extremely effective and balanced so I’ll be purchasing it as soon as the capsules get restocked. I substituted Alkaline Herb Shop’s Happy Colon. It is gentle, effective and contains no stimulants.

Lymphatic System

A detoxification protocol needs to address “the great lymphatic system” so I included lymphatic system capsules - 2 weeks mild and 2 weeks at the moderate level. Just like the kidneys, the lymphatic system is something you will learn more about in partnership with a Detoxification Specialist. It’s one of the things that makes Dr. Robert Morse’s approach incredibly effective.


I took an herbal adrenal support blend called Adrenal Recovery by Organic Olivia. I have used this formulation successfully in the past. I really felt a difference. I added a licorice tincture to the mix in order to heal my adrenals and to try and bring my blood pressure from low into normal range. I also took adrenal glandulars to give the adrenals a needed boost.

Things I Didn’t Include

Some herbs I considered but decided against were the Brain and Nerve, Upper and Lower Circulation and Female Reproductive formulas. While these would have been beneficial add-ons, I decided to save them for my next protocol.  I also considered taking a pineal glandular for my sleep issues. But I have used an effective herbal sleep aid with success that doesn’t have any hormones. Much of my challenge isn’t actually sleeping, just making the commitment to get the alkaline rest I need.

Things I Did Differently this Time Around

I’ve followed herbal detoxification protocols many times before. Some things I did differently during this cleanse are:

  • Went off label when I felt it suited me best. Dr. Morse’s herbs are great and there are other wonderful ones out there as well.

  • Paced myself

  • Changed to stronger or milder formulas as I felt the need

  • Adapted my activity level to meet my energy levels

  • Was more gentle with myself

  • Better transition onto and off of the detox

  • Experienced increased faith in the process

lotus blossom results flower bloom juice cleanse


I eliminated a significant amount of toxins and I can feel the difference. Towards the end of my detoxification, upper respiratory symptoms kicked in and forced me into the rest mode I fight so often. That rest, in and of itself, might have been the most critical component of my entire cleanse. Ironically, the experience of profound repose awakened me to the absolute importance of rest.

I enjoyed the combination of herbs I used and felt good, not overworked in any way. Going forward, I wouldn’t hold back on what some consider detoxifying too many things at once.


I appreciate you taking the time to read about my first custom protocol as a (soon to be) Detoxification Specialist. It’s been quite a journey and I’m excited to explore different angles and deeper levels in the near future. If you have any suggestions or feedback, I would be grateful to hear from you. 🙏


Green Oddyssey: From Vegan to Raw (Part Two)


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