Music is Part of the Healing Process

+ New Mix 🎵

by Cy

Music healing detoxification detox sound Purity and Verve

I’ve always had my own way of listening to music, idiosyncratic angles and perspectives shaped by a multifaceted heritage, the different geographies I’ve inhabited, travels, generations and resources (and lack thereof). All of this comes together in an interesting harmonic tapestry that I’m blessed to share with you.

Music an essential part of my healing trajectory. I have a background in instrumental music which serves as a great foundation, but my real love lies in the way I hear, analyze and arrange disparate sounds. Mixing music feels like weaving myself into a fabric that’s comprehensible and strangely tactile. Perhaps it can’t be seen, except through synesthetic perceptions, but it can be heard and felt.

This collection, entitled Elemental Healing (Mix # 1) includes songs I’ve listened to throughout various periods of my life; sounds that have consistently met me where I am. A special inclusion comes from my cousin, Nick, also known as Gajah of the Los Angeles-based hip hop group Acid Reign, featured on the song Collar Green. I am eternally grateful for my connection to him, blood and soul, and for his support of this initiative. He transitioned into another dimension back in April, someplace better I trust. He was an incredible influence on the kinds of sounds I’ve experienced and continue to gravitate towards and the soundwork I’m doing is very much inspired by him. Centering music a bit more, making sense of loss and other parts of life is a reconstruction of sorts as well as an important aspect of my healing process. #gajahforever 🕊

I understand healing to be as much about silence as it is about sound. There are times for quiet, reflection, sometimes stand-alone silence, or perhaps the spaces between tones and rhythms that allow music to exist. We are sound processing machines that can benefit from the impact of specific intonations, harmonies, vibrations with silence as an omnipresent counterpoint.

This mix is fluid, intuitively curated, and includes healing sounds I think you’ll enjoy. Link to Spotify playlist here.

For more of my take on sound, follow me on Spotify and Soundcloud at DjCy.


My 40 Day Juice Cleanse and Custom Detoxification Protocol


Purity & Verve is 1!