Purity & Verve is 1!

by Cy


Sparkler One Year Anniversary Purity and Verve

I’m so excited to celebrate Purity & Verve’s one year anniversary! Purity & Verve is the culmination of many years spent building health knowledge, trials and errors with a variety of dietary and healing modalities along with the energy and focus I experienced when I encountered Dr. Robert Morse’s approach. I started this initiative as I began studying at the International School of the Healing Arts and Sciences and will continue as I build the bridge into my professional work.

Reflecting upon the last year, despite some of the challenges I’ve experienced (this rotation has been a rough one), the critical importance of the work I am doing has become incredibly clear. The world went completely berserk during the pandemic and so much misunderstanding about dis-ease and the basics of how the human body functions has been disseminated. Many people went from living their everyday lives to fearing the air they breathe, social interactions and life itself. Others have experienced an awakening of consciousness. They are becoming increasingly aware and seeking out knowledge as they gravitate towards truth.

Helping to restore human self-knowledge, interconnectedness and the cultivation of radiant health is my sworn mission. I am doing this as I take strides towards achieving the state of health I want to live in. This undertaking has developed in me a great deal of learning, faith, growth and perseverance.


I hold an immense amount of gratitude for having the consciousness to know truth and the openness to learn as much as I can. There are so many people, across worldviews and education levels, who have been incredibly misguided, blinded by fear, and resigned to ignorance. I could have easily been one of them, had my life taken a different direction. These are critical times and standing for truth is imperative. It is the bravery of those who spread truth that has enabled me to be who I am today and I intend to pay it forward.

Something else I’ve been reflecting on is the immense censorship taking place worldwide as well as that which targets the natural health movement specifically. Holistic health, naturopathy and anything which goes against the mainstream healthcare industrial complex is sidelined, censored and/or attacked. People being healthy and curing themselves from diseases is not profitable, nor does it keep humans under the control of the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries. I believe these are the causes that underly the high degree of mind control observable in today’s societies.

A bit of wisdom that inspired me this year is the acknowledgement that when someone resorts to insults, hatred and suppression, it is because they have run out of argument (or never had one to begin with). It helped me to gain better perspective into to the centuries-long slander experienced by natural health practitioners and reaffirmed the truth we bring.

I’ve also taken the time to examine my own path towards health. I’ve made immense progress, of which I am fantastically proud, but I also have work to do. Some of this involves the internal environment, pushing myself to new levels, rediscovering energies, addressing weaknesses and blockages and increasing fluidity across physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes.

Another part is external. One lifestyle choice I want to begin conceptualizing is my relocation to the indigenous tropical climate of the human race. I have a deep need to be connected with the land, to be outdoors as much as possible, to take in the brilliant sun on a daily basis and to access the beautiful sweet tree-ripened fruits of the earth. Even if this transition is a few years off, I want to start feeling it out, setting intentions and laying the groundwork.

Next Steps

Over the summer, God-willing, I will become Certified as a Level I Detoxification Specialist. I’ll begin accepting clients shortly thereafter so stay tuned! I’ll be pushing forward straight into the study of Iridology before I move onto Level II. I’m also increasing my knowledge on herbs and other modes of healing. I’m so excited for what is to come and I’ll be sure to share updates!


If you are interested in supporting Purity & Verve further, please follow @purityandverve on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Visit my website and check out my blog at PurityandVerve.com. Check out the work I’ve done so far and share any questions or feedback you may have. Deepest thanks to you again, for your support of my heart’s work. It means the world to me. 🙏💚


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